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Writer's pictureJaime Collins

Create Your Own Foundational and Intuitive Self Care Routine

Today we are talking about how to implement a Wellness Routine into your daily life that makes it work for YOU, your schedule and your preferences.  Self-Care needs to be planned into your daily routine just like family schedules if it has any chance of sticking long term. 

Free Download - Here is a Self-Care Routine Template to help you feel more joy and ease as you embark on a journey to love yourself more by deliberating setting aside YOU time.  I use it on my fridge every day and I want you to have it too!

You DO NOT need to adopt a schedule or practices that work for a friend, family member or influencer.  It won’t last long term and then you will end up feeling guilty.  Here are some tips and ideas to get you started: scroll down as I'll explain how to work through each step!

  1. Give yourself permission to have ME time. 

  2. Foundational Practices (Mind, Body, Intuition, Nature, Spirituality): You do these every day.

  3. Supplementary Practices: These flow in and out as they need to or as you want to. 

  4. Self Care Activities LIST: some you may know and some you may not, take a look and decide for yourself!

  5. Choose the time of day.

  6. Start small and be kind to yourself.

ME time. 

How jam packed are your days and weeks?  Do you feel like you are always on the go?  This is the reality for a lot of us working parents. It almost feels like you wake up and hit the ground running!  Get ready, make lunches, prepare breakfast, school drop off, head to work, pick up kids, after school activities, get dinner ready, bedtime routines, cleaning up, laundry… if days are so packed, Self-Care activities might feel impossible. 

You go to a Yoga class once a week?  Love it! 

Truth is you need Self-Care every day, a time that is devoted to your overall health and wellness, body, mind and soul. And no, it doesn’t include zoning out to a (albeit amazing!) netflix series. 

I promise you that finding time every day for these practices will MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER. 

Is it already amazing? 

Again, love it! 

But seriously, even better.

Self care will take you beyond the stories you believe about yourself.  It will take you beyond your identities of wife, mother, teacher, woman, athlete… 

Self care will take you beyond your suffering and help you process life’s experiences in a healthy way (see post Busyness). 

Self-Care needs to be planned into your daily routine just like family schedules if it has any chance of sticking long term. 

Foundational Practices:

What are your foundational practices? These are the ones you feel most drawn to. Choose one or two and create a Ritual that works for you, actually do the things you LOVE. 

Please keep in mind that when you start something new, it will take time for your brain and body to adjust. Your mind will try to talk you out of it because it needs to make new neural pathways in the brain! Just pick one, start small and commit, it will get easier as it becomes ROUTINE. 

  • Mind / Mental Health (Journaling, Shadow Work, Art)

  • Body (Yoga, Breath-Work, Exercise, Spa-like Activities)

  • Intuition (Oracle Cards, Meditation)

  • Nature Connection (Walk, Play)

  • Spirituality / Devotion (Community Work, Reading, Smoke Cleanse)

*See a detailed list below.

Keep in mind a lot of these practices can fall into more than one foundation.  Take meditation for example, it is a spiritual practice, it calms your mind, you can practice in nature and can enhance your intuition!  

You are learning and growing as a human being and a spiritual being, so honour your needs and desires as they may change or evolve!  For example, you might find that you are focusing a lot on Body work and you feel that your Connection to Nature needs some more time in your routine. 

Supplementary Activities

Self Care Activities: Some you know and some you may not, take a look and decide for yourself!

Do you like being with others?  Join a group or find a class. Are you short on time? Do it at home!  There is no right or wrong way to go about selecting activities or how you do them. 

The most important thing is you just make a choice and commit to it. 

  • Yoga Flows (Vinyasa), Hatha Yoga (Strong Holds) HIIT Workouts, Weight Training, Running, Walking, Biking, Hiking.

  • Tai Chi, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga

  • Cold Plunges* - Shower, Bath Tub, Lake for 30 seconds - 2 minutes.

  • BreathWork - If new to you, start with deep grounding inhales and long exhales for 2-5 minutes.

  • Meditation*- start with 5 minutes.

  • Mindfulness / Present Moment Awareness: Start with 54321 Exercise

  • Reiki Prayer: Just For Today, I let go of anger, of worry. I do my work honestly. I am grateful for my many blessings. I am kind to every living being.

  • Get Spiritually Dressed AM: “I plug into Source & intend to raise my frequency to match my higher Self. I flow with love.”

  • Call Back Your Energy PM: Visualize a glowing green light around your body as you picture unhooking yourself from people, places, experiences drawing the energy through the healing light. “I call my energy back to me now.” Visualize a bright white light now as you feel more aligned, balanced and peaceful. 

  • Journaling AM: Today I intend to… (find things I love).

  • Journaling PM: Today I fell from grace by… Next time I will…

  • Journaling any time: I am… I feel… I am grateful for…

  • Affirmations: Want + Positive Emotion + Expectation (present moment it is already here!) E.g. I am so grateful for my dream house that is mine by divine right as it suits all of my needs and desires perfectly. 

***Your emotions are the vehicle to bring your desires to you. Gratitude and love are like race cars as they vibrate at a higher frequency. Negative emotions are like the Power Wheels Kids cars, they vibrate at a lower frequency, take much longer and more effort to eventually make their way into your experience.

  • Oracle Cards *(I love Rebecca Campbell!) or Tarot Cards.

  • Creativity with the Arts: painting, drawing, doodling, pottery, decorating, dance, drama, writing.

  • Reading:* be mindful of what you are reading (or watching). Your thoughts influence your surroundings as you are a creator of your own experience. 

  • Community Work: Volunteering your time or getting out in community to bond with others (Hint: Enhances YOUR Vagus Nerve! → I’m Curious - Click Here!)

This is by no means a comprehensive list but a good place to start. Self Care is literally essential for your wellbeing and should never be an afterthought. You plan at work, you plan your kids schedules, you need to plan for Self-Care too. It is not selfish as when you have a full cup, you are a brighter light in this world. You might be kinder, more patient, and happier.  


Are you a morning person? Night Owl? Or do you need a pick me up in the middle of the day? You know you best and there is no right or wrong time of the day to practice Self-Care. Again, you are more likely to do it if it works for your personality, your schedule, and your preferences.

HOW to Start?

I actually can’t say this enough: PLEASE keep in mind that when you start something NEW, it will take time for your brain and body to adjust. Your mind will try to talk you out of it because it needs to make new neural pathways in the brain! Just pick one, start small and commit, it will get easier as it becomes ROUTINE. 

Some additional tips that MAY work for you:

  • Keep the Schedule visible to remind yourself.

  • Plan them specifically into your day morning, noon and/or night.

  • Or not, check them off as you go! 

  • Set a timer(s) on your phone to remind yourself of your Rituals.

  • Reward yourself for sticking to your Rituals.

  • Acceptance and Love when (not if!) you feel they have fallen off the track a bit.

  • Invite friends to create their own routine and check in with each other. 

Remember, be kind to yourself, enjoy the journey of life and the journey within.

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j'aime reiki yoga

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